"Ring, Ring"


"Ring, Ring"

*realises hotel phone is ringing and wonders who on earth it could be*

"Ring, Ring"

*answers the phone*


"Good Morning Sir. This is your 8AM wake-up call"


"It's 8AM Sir, you requested we call you to let you know."

*stares blankly, furrows brows questioningly*

"Wait, no I didn't. Who told you to do so?"

"We have it recorded that the request was placed by a Mr. *** *****"

"Hang on, that's my name, well - before I changed it anyway...are you sure?"

"Mr. ***** was quite insistent that we woke you for 8AM, the message was quite specific it reads 'Time to wake up now, time to come back to your real life. People miss you here: your friends and family have been wondering what's happened to you."

"Oh. Errm...okay. Thanks? I guess? For passing on the message anyway. I'm sorry, I just don't remember placing that request. But never mind, I'm awake now anyway - I'll be checking out today"

"Very well Sir, check out is at 10AM."

*looks around, notices only few things to pack, thinks it will be possible to leave by 10am*

"Thanks, that won't be a problem."

"Have a good life, Sir"

"...Pardon? What did you say?"

"I said, Have a good day, Sir"

"Oh. Yes and to you. Goodbye"

"Goodbye Sir"

*puts the phone down, decides to go back to his old life, thinks things are clearer after the wake-up call (they don't call it that for nothing)*